Bee Pollen Granules 350 g.


Product Overview :

Product Type : Bee Pollen Granules.

Ingredients : 100% Natural Bee Pollen Granules

Product Details : Bee pollen Granules is known as one of nature’s super foods as it is a rich source of protein, equally to protein from diary and meat products. Our natural bee pollen includes pollen from natural and purest source in the northern part of Thailand such as pollen from wide flower, mimosa, sunflower, rice and corn, It is considered as natural multivitamins including; B-complex, A, C, D and E as well as essential amino acids and minerals. It is also suitable for vegetarians and children.

Product Dimensions: 4 (W) X 8 (L) X 13 (H) cm.

Weight: 350 g

Seller : Bee Products Thai

SKU : BEE023

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