( Every bean is hand-picked at the peak of ripeness and then quickly processed within 24 hours to give our coffee an unmatched degree of freshness.)
Shade-grown organic coffee means just what it says. It is coffee from trees grown in the shade of other larger trees. Coffee grown this way is the best-quality and best-tasting coffee in the world. It has a richer, fuller flavor and a heartier aroma than coffee grown in full sun. And because the trees grow naturally as part of a mixed forest, it isn’t necessary to cut down other trees and the coffee beans can absorb all the natural nutrients from the soil.
Green Net SE Limited is a social enterprise that grows and distributes organic Arabica coffee. We are committed to protecting sensitive watershed areas and preserving the traditional ways of life of upland farming communities.
Our organic shade-grown coffee is the fruit of 325 small-scale farming families working an area of over 7,000 rai in the watershed forests of Mae Lao, Mae Saruay and Mae Korn districts in Thailand’s Chiang Rai province.
MiVana’s Organic Forest Friendly Coffee won the Best Social Enterprise Planning Award from the Thai Social Enterprise Office (TSEO) and the Best Quality Award: Thailand Coffee, Tea and Drink 2013-2014.
“ If good coffee is the coffee that you like.” How about the good quality coffee?
• Shade-grown coffee produced at altitudes of 1,000 meters above sea level or so.
• The cultivation and processing are organic – without the use of chemical fertilizers or pesticides.
• The bean selection and roast profiling are ensured for the best taste of coffee by an international certified roaster.
• Good quality of compositional and sensory perspectives which means a good combination of aroma, taste, texture and mouthfeel.
MiVana coffee has a signature flavor and aroma that come from the minerals and natural nutrients absorbed from the soil. This is the key to the rich, well-balanced flavor and deep, complex aroma you’ll find in every cup.
• Certified organic by the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM)
• Outstanding Social Enterprise Planning Award from the Thai Social Enterprise Office
• Best Quality Award from the Thailand Coffee, Tea and Drink Forum 2013-2014
Tel: +66(2) - 319 - 5077
E-mail: pro.services@jatujakmall.com