* If you are inerested in buying large quantities, please e-mail us at pro.services@jatujakmall.com .
Product Overview:
Product have various formular:
- Earth, Suitable for persons with a heavy constitution prone to weight gain, congestion and inertia.
- Water, Suitable for persons prone to mucus congestion and water retention in the body.
- Air, Suitable for persons prone to indigestion, bloating and feeling spaced out.
- Fire, Suitable for persons prone to acne, rashes, inflammation, irritability and stress.
Direction : The oil can be used as massage oil (before bath), or applied on damp skin as a body moisturizer after a bath. For massage, the oil can be warmed by placing in a container of hot water. Rub gently in circular motions all over the body until the oil is absorbed into the skin. Profound inhaling is recommended during the process to reap the full benefits of an aromatherapy massage.